Best and Cheap
Domain Hosting Services
a domain name web hosting is no small decision. Once committed to
one, it will become very difficult to move your business elsewhere
- not to mention the damage that can be done to your business if
you make the wrong choice. This makes it very important to "get
it right the first time". Find out as much as you can about
your prospective host before making any decisions.
When evaluating your domain name hosting company, you will obviously
be considering price. But price is, of course, not the only important
factor. You will also need to take into consideration...
1. the speed and reliability of the servers and hardware,
2. the features the host offers and whether these mesh with your
own requirements, and, of course,
3. the quality of their support services ( preferably 24/7 )
4. the Guarantee they offer
I recommend the following host who offers a good service for less
1. Doteasy
2. NTCHosting
3. Neureal
: Iff you buy Site
Build It! software, you will also get hosting free with other